Nairne Campbell One Stair Up Перевод

Nairne Campbell One Stair Up Перевод Rating: 3,5/5 5774 reviews

Nairne campbell one stair up ПЕРЕВОД — САМЫЙ КРУПНЫЙ ФАЙЛОВЫЙ ПОИСКОВИК В РУНЕТЕ Язык: Русский Дата: 13.01.13 Имя: Файл скачали: 16 раз(а) сегодня / 2445 раз(а) за все время. Help me plizzzzzzz!!! Кто такой Campbell Nairne и Как переводитсяOne Stair Up?

  1. One Stair Up By Campbell Nairne Перевод Текста
  2. Campbell Nairne One Stair Up Перевод
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. Подробности Родительская категория: Английский язык Категория: Анализ текста One stair up учебник Аракин 5 курс Unit 4 The text under analysis is an extract from the novel “One stair up” by the Scottish novelist С. Campbell Nairne who was born in Edinburg and became popular due to her two books “One stair up” and “Stony Ground”.

Campbell nairne one stair up перевод

The given extract is a description of the attendance of the cinema by two youngsters Rosa and Andrew. They are representatives of the working class? And they have different aims of visiting cinema that was the reason of developing of the conflict between them. The theme of this extract is the problem of misunderstanding between Rosa and Andrew. The main idea is a different attitude to things, different word vision and different motivation. The book belongs to the belles-letters style, the story is told by the 3rd person narration, but also we can find the 1st person narration (the text is partially narrative). The language of the extract is rather simple, the author used a lot of compound sentences and a lot of colloquial words that help the reader to feel the atmosphere in the cinema and the thoughts and inner condition of the main heroes.


The whole story can be divided into 4 logical parts: 1st coming to the cinema, 2nd Rosa and Andrew begin to watch the comedy, 3rd the comedy itself, 4th Rosa’s and Andrew’s dialog. The plot structure of the extract is closed, because there are all elements. The exposition when the heroes come to the cinema, and their first impression from the atmosphere of the luxury. The story itself begins with talking of their sits and Rosa’s question about the film, there author uses a lot of details and descriptions, in order to show the atmosphere in show-room and Rosa’s and Andrew behavior and aims. Also there we can see Rosa’s attitude to Andrew, due to the phrase “ to be seen in the dress circle, even with Andrew”. The climax of the extract and the tensest moments we distinguish when we understand Rosa’s thoughts about Andrew.

The most tense moment we can see when Andrew captures by the emotions, tries to share his impressions with Rosa but she is irritated by him, and she does not want to understand him. The denouement of the story is the ferine answer of Rosa. The author in general successfully conveys the characteristic features of the main character, she makes it with a help of inner monologues of the main characters, she doesn’t use actions a lot, and it’s story very unusual.

The author uses a lot of stylistic devices in order to show the complicated atmosphere of the relations between Rosa and Andrew and the atmosphere in the “Circle” such as: epithets (rapid-fire drama, hot darkness), metaphors (a shower of stars, a shaft of white light). Metonymy (young blood), simile (a carpet that yielded like). In the language of main character we can find simple sentences (by their constructions), this colloquial language is an evidence of the low education level of the heroes. We should pay attention on the title of the story. It helps us to understand the reason of the conflict between Rosa and Andrew. It tells us what people have the different aims in their life, not only to reach success in some activity or to develop yourself and be ahead of the rest or one stair up but also respect other people.

Страницы: 1 Задания для студентов-заочников 5 курса (5,5) ФИЯ по практике устной и письменной речи (английский язык) IX семестр. Преподаватель Тереня О.А. Topic: Cinema: its past, present and future. Литература Аракин В.Д. Практический курс английского языка 5 курс М., - 2003. Work with vocabulary. Read the text «One stair up» by Campbell Nairne.

Study word combinations and phrases p.79. Translate them and learn. Copy out from the Text «One stair up» by Campbell Nairne p.71 the sentences containing the word combinations and phrases and translate them into Russian. Paraphrase the following sentences using the word combinations and phrases ex.9.p.81. Make up three sentences of your own on each word combination and phrase. Translate the following sentences into English using the word combinations and phrases.

Ex.11.p.82 2. Study the essential vocabulary and translate the illustrative examples into Russian (orally) p.74. Learn the words. Translate the following sentences into Russian (orally) paying attention to the words and word combinations in italics ex.14 (A, B) p.82. Paraphrase the following sentences using your active vocabulary. Ex.15.p.84 d.

Fill in the blanks with the right word ex.16.p.84 (Consult any dictionary of synonyms). Translate the following sentences into English using your active vocabulary. Ex.18.p.85 f. Give a summary of the Text «One stair up» by Campbell Nairne p.71.

Topical Vocabulary. Cinema and Films The following terms mean the same as Cinema: pictures (coll.)/movies (coll.), talkies ( coll.- звуковое кино) picture — film The Picture Theatre (House) The Picture Palace The Cinema House (Theatre) The Moving Picture House The Stereoscopic Cinema — стерео-кинотеатр Cinerama — соотв. Панорамный кинотеатр t o go to the pictures to go to the movies to go to the Cinema to do a picture (сoll.) to go to a movie documentary film or documentary (coll.) документальный фильм educational film — учебный фильм, учебное кино popular scientific (or science) film — научно-популяр­ный фильм science fiction film — научно-фантастический фильм. Feature film ( Am.) художественный фильм в нескольких частях; полнометражный фильм a nimated cartoon film мультипликационный фильм cartoon (coll.) travelogue — a geographical film about travels adventure film — приключенческий кинофильм musical film or musical (coll.) — музыкальный фильм song-studded film — соотв. Фильм с большим количест­вом песен; музыкальный фильм sound-track – музыка к кинофильму е. It's an axiom that all South of the Border films are song-studded, with popular singers such as Tito Guizar to interpret them, for the country has always loved music and dancing (S.


P.) comedy (comical) film or genre — кинокомедия concert film — фильм-концерт theatrical film — фильм-спектакль audience film — фильм для публики, фильм, рассчи­танный на вкусы широкой массы stunt ( coll.) — сенсационный фильм, фильм с акробати­ческими трюками revue film (or review, revue) — фильм-ревю, киноревю wide screen picture — широкоэкранный кинофильм amateur motion picture — любительский фильм; люби­тельская кинематография colour (technicolor) film — цветной фильм black and white film — черно-белый фильм stereoscopic film (three-dimension film) — стереофильм cinerama film — соотв. Панорамный фильм mute, sound, dubbed film — немой, звуковой, дубли­рованный фильм stereophonic sound — стереофонический звук full-length motion picture — полнометражный фильм short-length motion picture or short ( coll) — коротко­метражный фильм support film — соотв. Короткометражный фильм, де­монстрирующийся до главной картины (main film) newsreel — хроника, киножурнал films made jointly with foreign companies - фильмы, созданные совместно с иностранными киностудиями ^ What's being shown 1 at the cinema?

One Stair Up By Campbell Nairne Перевод Текста

What is being played 1 at the cinema? What is on at the cinema? What has been running at the cinema? To cast actors for parts – назначить актеров на определенные роли there is nothing much on just now — nothing interesting being shown t o shoot a film to photograph a film or to photo a film (coll.) to make a film to photograph in colour (in technicolor) — снимать фильм' в красках, т.

Снимать цветной фильм to adapt. To the screen — переделывать.

Для кино­постановки (соотв. — сделать или поставить фильм по.) to screen a novel (a story, a play) to make a screen version of a novel. To film a novel (a story, a play, a book) the screen version of the novel, etc. The film version of the novel, etc. Экранизированный (вариант) роман(а) ^ Russian (English, French, etc) language version — соотв.

Кинофильм (вариант) на русском (английском, фран­цузском) языке to present a film in a. Language version — соотв.

Campbell Nairne One Stair Up Перевод

Демон­стрировать фильм. Языке to be presented in (the Soviet Union, India, etc.) in. The film is being presented here in a Russian lan­guage version. — В нашей стране, этот фильм, демонстри­руется на русском языке. To produce a film — снимать фильм, производить съемку кинофильма sequence(s) — still(s) — shot(s) — кадр(ы) close-up — снимок крупным планом; съемка крупным, планом. Caption or subtitle — титр, надпись на экране е.

What Price Murder у in French with English! Инструкция по эксплуатации привода шпэ 33. Subtitles, has Henry Vidal, Malene Demongeot, and Isa Miranda in leading roles. Y.) screen, — экран t о play on the screen — играть в кинокартине to act to dub (in) — дублировать e. The film is dubbed in Russian. Wide (broad) screen, large screen — широкий экран normal screen — обыкновенный экран screen play — режиссерский киносценарий, постано­вочный сценарий script or scenario — сценарий two part film – двухсерийный фильм the songs set to music by - слова на музыку crowd scene – массовая сцена to reissue a film – переиздать фильм to do the script for. — писать сценарий дли. Script writer or screen playwright — сценарист to release — выпускать (картину) та экран to come out — выходить, появляться (о фильме, картине) the exchange of films — обмен картинами a flop – провал flashback – обратный кадр, серия кадров, прерывающих повествование, чтобы вернуться к прошлому (в мыслях героев).

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